Project Members


Yuko Kohga

甲賀 ゆうこ

Founder / Creative Director
MISSINGLINK Founder / クリエィティブディレクター

Born in Tokyo in 1981, She studied in the United States and the Netherlands from 1997 to 2006. While abroad, she studied art, architecture, design theory, conceptual thinking, and received a bilingual education in the arts. After returning to Japan, she worked as an art director at a major advertising agency and a foreign company. She has been involved in planning and creating projects to revitalize traditional crafts and numerous art exhibitions in Japan. She is currently involved in a wide range of activities as a creative director, as well as various educational projects that aim to connect society, education, and art.




中澤範龍 | Noritatsu Nakazawa / Editor

李生美 | Senmi Ree / Art Director
奥谷日奈 | Hina Okutani / Assistant Director
金岡直樹 | Naoki Kanaoka / Director

堤大輔 | Daisuke Tsutsumi / Creative Director 
山崎哲生 | Tetsuo Yamasaki / Interior Designer


原大輔 | Daisuke Hara / Executive Supervisor


Slow inc | All members Slow inc.


Technical Supervisor

Tokyo Institute of Technology
准教授 | 磯部敏宏 Toshihiro Isobe 助教 | 安井伸太郎 Shintaro Yasui  


Technical Collaboration 

株式会社 玉有 | Gyokuyu Co.,Ltd.

有限会社 藤巻製陶 | FUJIMAKI Ceramics Co.,Ltd.
株式会社 徳幸 | TOKKO KILN Co.,Ltd
有限会社 吉右ヱ門製陶所 | KICHIEMON PORCELAIN Co.,Ltd.
武田電磁器製陶所| Takeda Denjiki Seitoujyo
中島瞳 | Hitomi Nakashima


Special Thanks to

羊亭社 | Yoteisha
松永功 | Isao Matsunaga
 有田歴史民俗資料館 | History and Folklore Museum of Arita
ボタンミュージアム | Button Museum
有田町 | Arita, Saga
株式会社EditReal | EditReal inc
株式会社製作所 | Seisakujo
and more